The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Certification was established in 2022 with the goal of connecting individuals to learn and participate in some of the DEI efforts happening in the Wyoming Valley. The certificate includes three levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) with each level building on comprehension and understanding of DEI. Hours towards each certificate level can start being accumulated on January 1, 2022 and expire within three years. Please read below about each what each level entails.

Bronze LevelÂ
This level is granted to those who have gone through 75 hours of DEI workshops, educational opportunities, and events. The bronze level certification will be awarded to those who demonstrate a commitment to learning about DEI in the multitude of opportunities the Wyoming Valley has to offer. Each participant is asked to keep a record of hours completed and any supporting documentation to show attendance. After hours have been completed, you can submit an application for the certification.

Silver Level
This level is granted to those who have gone through 75 hours of DEI workshops, educational opportunities, and events, as well as 25 hours of volunteer hours with a DEI organization. The silver level certification will be awarded to those who demonstrate not only a commitment to learning about DEI, but also taking that knowledge to support those communities within the Wyoming Valley. Each participant is asked to keep a record of hours completed and any supporting documentation to show attendance. After hours have been completed, you can submit an application for the certification.

Gold Level
This is our highest level of certification and is granted to those who have gone through 75 hours of DEI workshops, educational opportunities, and events, 25 hours of volunteer hours with a DEI organization, as well as a project presentation to our DEI Champion Certification Review Committee on a project the individual has done within the Wyoming Valley to improve DEI within the Wyoming Valley. The gold-level certification will be awarded to those who demonstrate a commitment to learning about DEI, using the knowledge to support those communities within the Wyoming Valley, and actively trying to improve DEI within the Wyoming Valley. Each participant is asked to keep a record of hours completed and any supporting documentation to show attendance. After hours have been completed, you can submit an application for the certification.
For any questions on the DEI Champion Certification, please contact Ahmad Ali at ahmad@wyomingvalleychamber.org or (570) 408-1715.